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The website is designed in accordance with the "Web Accessibility Development Specification" principle, and provides design methods such as web page positioning point (:::), website navigation (Site Navigator), and keyboard shortcut key (Access Key) according to the specification of accessible website design. The convenient keys (Accesskey, also known as the Quick Keys) of this website are set as follows:


  • Alt+U: Upper menu area, this block can be linked to the main menu.
  • Alt+C: The main content area of the webpage. This area mainly displays the main information of the webpage.
  • Alt+B: The copyright information area, located at the bottom of the site.


※ Each browser quick key operation instructions:
Edge Please use Alt plus the quick key code to operate.
Firefox Please use Shift+Alt plus the quick key code operation.
Google Chrome If the operating system is Windows, please use Alt plus quick key code operation, if it is Mac, use Alt+Option plus quick key code operation.
Safari If the operating system is Windows, please use Alt plus quick key code operation. If the operating system is Mac, use Alt+Option plus quick key code operation.